I walked through the streets of Utrecht in the pouring rain. On the way to bar Josefien. On the way to my colleagues. I walked at a brisk pace because on the one hand I wanted to get out of the rain as quickly as possible and on the other hand I really wanted to see my nice and sweet colleagues again. It had been far too long since I had seen them. But this evening the time had come! A nice drinks party was organized for which about 50 photographers traveled to Utrecht. So am I.
I was a bit grumpy. It had been bad weather all day, and it was about a 10 minute walk through the rain to the bar from the station. My soaked coat couldn't stop my mood from changing very quickly.
I opened the door to the bar and before my glasses had time to fog up, I was greeted by some very happy colleagues. And congratulations!
I just didn't know why at that moment. Now I had for the last award round of the Masters of Wedding Photography I submitted some photos, and hey, maybe I would have won one. What I didn't know and she did was the result. It was announced while I was on the road.
The conversation went something like this:
'You won!'
-'Won, won what?'
'The Masters!'
-'Did I win a Master, you mean?'
No, six! You are the overall winner of this round!'
- 'WHAT?????'
I had to let it sink in for a while. Winning six awards in one round is something I have never achieved and which does not happen very often. My mood hovered a bit between confusion, disbelief and joy. And maybe that's still the case now, a few days later. With these six awards I became the winner of this round of the Masters. And that is why for now I can consider myself the best wedding photographer in the Netherlands.
I'm happy, and I'm proud of these images: