Some things almost seem too good to be true. When I collapsed on my bed last night after a long day of shooting, I decided - curious and impatient as I am - to check the results of the last round of Masters of Dutch Wedding Photography Awards to view. You will see the beautiful photos of my talented photos passing by. What beautiful work!
But then you suddenly see one of your own photos, with the famous M logo on it. Yes! An award in the pocket! I clicked through to view the remaining entries. And to my great surprise, another photo of me followed. And then another one. That can't be true, can it? I checked it three times, but it turned out to be true.
These three awards had a very nice additional consequence. With a total of 5 awards in the past year, I ended up in the top 10 best wedding photographers in the Netherlands!
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What a great honor to see my name in this list of absolute leaders in the field. My day can not be ruined!