Also known as: How 'wasbibol' became the word of the day at a wedding. But I will come back to that. All right, Vera and Tomas. What can I say about that? It was really a couple with whom I had a wonderful click from second to second. A wonderfully cheerful, funny and relaxed couple. If I can tell you a secret: These are the nicest and nicest couples a wedding photographer could wish for! The only downside to this couple is that your Thgrandmother writes without 'h' and that I have to correct it every time. But if that's all I can complain about...
When I went to photograph the preparations at Tomas, a very nice one came along Ford Mustang show up. Look, you have my attention, right? Together with a VW van, a camper and a nice motorcycle, a classic Mustang is on my list of means of transport that I would like to own. But I think that will still take some saving. I tried not to get too distracted by that shiny beauty on the sidewalk.
Then it was time to record the beautiful Vera's preparations. The atmosphere was good and the weather was better than expected. I always enjoy feeling the tension building as the preparations come to a close. Because then the moment of the first look has arrived! I think they were happy to see each other. In the car, and off to Woerden Castle for the official part! A beautiful ceremony followed with two loud and clear yes words and a first kiss for the books.
About those wasabi balls. So Tomas doesn't like that at all. I, on the other hand, do. The bridal couple had indicated to the location that they did not want wasabi balls in the drink mix. But there were. And in such a case I would be willing to sacrifice myself to rid a few bowls of these green abominations, so that Tomas could enjoy his nuts undisturbed. Anyway, the wasabi ball story remained a running gag during the wedding and even afterwards.
We had a nice drink, ate delicious 'naked cake' and then went down to the cellar for a delicious dinner. Afterwards I could continue with a well-filled stomach DJ Yorick music-filled party starts. It was a nice day and I went home with a happy head. Vera and Tomas, thank you for this great day!
When I drove to my hotel in Nijkerk the evening before Lisa and Hendrik's wedding, I was welcomed by a thunderstorm the likes of which I had never seen in my life. Hope it turns out fine…
A temperature of almost 40 degrees was predicted for the wedding day itself. But 'every disadvantage has its advantage', and fortunately it was a lot less hot due to the heavy thunderstorm the evening before. The sun shone brightly, and the bridal couple also beamed all day! See for yourself:
Wedding location: Salentein estate
Dress: Bridal fashion Van Os
Groom's Suit: New Tailor
Flowers: Mea Flora
Make-up/nails/hair: Christel's Hairstyle
Wedding transport: Beautiful Wedding Cars
DJ: Michel Mimpen